White Sox
2000 - 2015
Today our kitty, White Sox, went to heaven. He was 15 years old, and one of the pure joys in our life. He was losing the battle of kidney failure, and we felt it was better for him to let him go. He lost so much weight; stopped eating, just sat at home staring at nothing. In a way, he was already gone. He, along with his two brothers and one sister, came into our lives on Mother's Day in 2000. They were four little kittens my mother-in-law had in a box in her living room, telling us if we didn't take them, she had to take them to the pound. Well, that was a no-brainer--they became a part of our family. We were so blessed that White Sox allowed us to be in his life. I know it was best to let him go. But I miss him so much. There is a part of my life that went with him. I hope he knows how much we loved him. I hope he's with his brother running free in heaven, free of pain-- forever healthy and happy. We miss you Sox.... We are going to lay you in the spot under the tree that you loved so much.
--Mary Ann Lamontine