2002 - 2017
My best friend crossed Rainbow Bridge one week ago. I rescued him in 2004 when he was about 2 years old. I was at a point in my life when I was desperately into a deep depression after losing my wife of 35 years to cancer in 2002. My two daughters talked me into bringing a dog into my life. I relented and after 10 months of searching, I finally found the friend I had been looking for. We instantly bonded and were never more than a room away for over 14 years. Everyone loved Satchel. And he loved everyone. Satchel filled up some of the huge whole in my heart. I honor our friendship as "I saved his life and he saved mine." He'll never be forgotten and one day, he and I will meet again and cross the Rainbow Bridge together. I Luv You Satch. God Bless and keep you safe.